Why I Am Rooting for Albania

When you hear the name Albania mentioned, what's the first thing that comes to mind?

Don't worry...I'll wait.

Done? Yeah, I don't think football really comes up when thinking of Albania. So to think of Albania not only qualifying for the Euros but to be right in the mix of it in the next few days is quite amazing. They are the one nation who I have never known to even play football. Even with the greater number of teams, not in my wildest dreams did I think I would be seeing Albania in these Euros.

I've always liked the little guy and want the David to defeat the Goliath. So as I look at all the teams, I simply have to throw my support behind Albania. It's just so incredible that they are in here and nobody gives them a shred of hope of making it out of the groups, so why not, I'm going to give them a bit of my support.

Hopefully, I don't jinx them because what these Euros really need is a fairytale story. And if Albania were to do well, it would exceed whatever Greece did. At least Greece have always been a feature in World Cups and Euros, but in my lifetime, this is the first time that I have ever seen Albania in a major tournament. Even just saying their name in the same sentence as Germany, Spain and France is pretty mind-bending.


Or this could just fall onto reality. They may get smacked upside their head, possibly on the receiving end of a lubrication and may bring down the quality of the tournament. That's my big fear. I don't want to see a La Liga type trouncing because if Albania concede G's in double digits, that would suck big time. So here's hoping that Albania can shock everyone, just as they did by their great performances in the qualifiers.

HH is officially cheering Albania on and I hope all the players know how special this is for their very small nation. Just getting here is already a great victory, but they can't stop here. They have to go out there to enjoy themselves, play with no inhibitions and light up the tournament. HH

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